SHOOTERS - A crazy reality based comedy series that ventures behind the camera lens to reveal what really goes on behind the scenes. Experience the crazy antics of a struggling independent movie studio run by lovable losers, has-beens and misfits as they try to take on the exclusive Hollywood system that tries to lock them out. How can a lot like this ever even survive let alone crash the gates of Hollywood? Join us in "Shooters", the series, to find out... Oh, and don’t expect it to be politically correct!
SHOOTER (noun): a slang term used to describe a camera operator in the film or photography industry.
"Shooters" is now live on Amazon Prime and
Late night and B-movie studio mogul Gray Calderon is finally fed up with the Hollywood world and exits the scene leaving the studio in the hands of Eddie Lain, his old cameraman with a bad case of A.D.H.D. and playboy-mentality. Eddie would rather be on vacation chasing ladies than run the independent studio and deal with the crew of characters working there.
Their Mexican producer lands a gig south of the border shooting “Mucha Lucha Libre”. Even though Eddie gets pummeled by the out of control La Luche wrestlers, he and the boys kept everything in focus this time to actually get paid… in pesos. It wasn’t enough to pay any of the bills back home but, at least, it was enough for all the tequila they could drink that night. The next day finds them shooting a commercial for KooKoo Liqueur, but someone forgot to tell them that the prop chicken they used was no Kookoo bird.
Eddie continues his search for Gray in Korea only to get mugged by a gang of street girls instead. Recovering in a Buddhist monastery he reconnects with an old comrade of Gray's hiding out there who gives him a lead to Gray's true whereabouts. Finally tracking him down in a Laotian tea house, they engage in a finger pointing verbal showdown only to have Gray's initial rebuff turn into a greenlit project after Eddie has a sudden epiphany about shooting a show based on the crazy antics of his wayward studio crew back home. Intrigued, Gray asks, “So, what is it? A reality show, a documentary, a sitcom, a movie, what?” Eddie’s enigmatic reply is, “Yes!” And so, the show, "Shooters", is born.
A flash back to how it all began over beers in a far off land, morphs into the current state of affairs. As the auditions wind down and the party ramps up, the Shooters’ crew stop bitching about what they lost and start impressing the ladies with what they have. In a moment of weakness and too much to drink the office manager, Sarah, ends up waking up in Eddie’s bed. It’s a real coyote arm moment as she desperately tries to get out of this one with her dignity and self respect still intact.
Almost down to the last chance hotel, the boys get distracted by the gyrating bodies at a burlesque shoot and lose their focus once again. Eddie loses it when he sees the disastrous footage that loses yet another client. But no matter, who wants to work for the man night and day, anyway, when you can make your own movies? Eddie gathers up all the projects his guys are trying to get off the ground and goes off to pitch one of Gray’s best investors. Even though he gets off to a rocky start and the investor is being distracted by his sexy girlfriend, it looks like one of the projects may hit if he can just find a role for the investor’s.
They say you can’t ever go home again, but it’s especially true when you leave it in the hands of misfits, idiots and a scheming shrew with a plan. While Eddie takes the long way home shooting beautiful women as he goes, unbeknownst to him the events back home conspire against him and his new plan to save the studio.
Sarah confronts Eddie before the meeting about their little fling after the party the other night, but is relieved to learn that he doesn’t remember a thing (or does he?). The entire studio crew meets to discuss the current dire state of affairs as Eddie has a come-to-Jesus moment realizing how the studio is barely afloat in a sea of red ink. With the comeback in jeopardy, he throws down the gauntlet to find a project to put them back on the map and in the green again while Kathy plots against him with a missive to Gray.
As usual, it just doesn’t work out. Not only did the big investor pass on all the projects, his business manager reads Eddie the riot act about how he just doesn’t have what it takes to make it in these shark infested waters. Eddie goes into a tailspin as he hits the road searching for the reclusive Gray in a last ditch effort to save the studio. His odyssey through all of Gray’s old haunts in Europe and Asia leaves him empty handed as he ends up on Walking Street in the infamous Pattaya, Thailand. A call back home is picked up by Kathy who directs (misdirects?) him to an old studio he used to work at in Seoul, Korea. So off he goes.